There’s something comforting about sipping tea from Handmade Pottery Mugs. Unlike a mass-produced mug, these vessels reflect the artistry of the potter.
A Handmade Tea mug could be any mug that someone likes the shape and feel, in their hands. Tea mugs could come with or without a handle.

Best Handmade Tea Mug
For those seeking the Best Handmade Tea Mug, choose one based on how it feels in your hand.
Converse always has a variety of mugs in his cupboard.
Depending on your mood, or what you are drinking, it is nice to have a few to choose from.

Converse usually reaches for a medium mug for morning coffee, and a smaller mug for afternoon or evening tea.
His wife, Crystal, will drink her coffee out of the biggest mug available.

Handmade Tea Mug Amazon
In addition to the thousands of handcrafted handmade mugs on Etsy, you can also find curated collections by searching online for Handmade Tea Mug Amazon.

Handmade Clay Mugs
Handmade Clay Mugs tend to be stoneware or porcelain. Clay mugs could be wheel thrown, coil or slab built. Or even a combination of wheel and hand built.
Coil built handmade Tea mugs use an ancient pottery technique that starts with a flat slab of clay at the bottom.
Coils are then formed by hand, or with simple tools, to roll the clay into long strands or coils. The make the coil smooth, the artist rolls them on a wedging table, or on a piece of canvas.
The coils are attached, one on top of the next, building up from the bottom.
The thickness of the coils affects the structure and aesthetics of the handmade tea mug.
By contrast, wheel thrown mugs are created using a potter’s wheel and a single lump of clay.
The lump of clay is centered to be round, opened to make the vessel, and shaped by the desire of the potter.
Whether you a buying a Handmade Tea Mug as a gift or for your personal enjoyment, a Handmade Mug is more than just drink ware.